Delivery Status Notification (Delay)



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This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

You have more than (2) incoming messages that could not be delivered to your inbox since 4/2/2021 4:40:29 a.m. for

The following address(es) failed to reconfigure port 2096, Follow Web address below to retrieve messages.

Retrieve Emails From Server


Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 552-5.7.0[TSS04] max defers and failures per hour (Exim 4.88) allowed. Message deferred

Reporting-MTA: IP;139.456.456.223
X-Postfix-Queue-ID: 5867033100
Original-Recipient: rfc822; SIZE=22481:
Arrival-Date: 4/2/2021 4:40:29 a.m.  

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